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Product Qty Subtotal
1 Hemapro Pills + Free hemorrhoids guide - 1 + US$25.05
Subtotal US$25.05
Grand Total Excl. Tax US$25.05
Grand Total Incl. Tax US$25.05


    These general sales conditions govern only sales of products offered in our 500cosmetics.com page (hereinafter referred to as WEBSITE). Any person who places an order through this WEBSITE can access these general conditions of sale. Any contract carried out from the web will be formalized in the language in which the purchase is made.


    This page is owned by NATURAL LOGISTICS, established in Calle Ana Mariscal 5, Pozuelo de Alarcon, 28223 SPAIN, with tax registration number B-84147065. NATURAL LOGISTICS and email: en@500cosmetics.com
    The provisions contained in the WEBSITE are configured as the governing rules of the portal that NATURAL LOGISTICS company makes available to Internet users.


    For any information, questions or suggestions, our customer service department is available. You can contact us in the following ways:

    • By post: Calle Ana Mariscal 5, Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223 SPAIN
    • Clicking here to open the contact form.
    • E-mail (en@500cosmetics.com).
    • Telephone: 001 2404732368 (Monday to Thursday from 09:30 to 17:30 and Friday from 08:30 to 15:00).

    Our product offers included in the website are subject to product availability. In case of product unavailability after the order has been recorded, we commit ourselves to inform you as soon as possible, indicating the new deadline by which you will receive your order. In this case you have the option to cancel your order refunding the amount paid by Paypal, bank transfer within 14 days of the cancellation request or to change your order by calling 001 2404732368 (Monday to Thursday from 09:30 to 17:30 and Friday from 08:30 to 15:00)


    These products are not drugs and are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease or ailment. The information published on this WEBSITE is for information purposes only and does not replace the advice of a doctor. The products are registered in the European Union. If you have a disease or pain, consult your doctor before using any product. Individual results may vary by person. Read the information and product labeling before use.


    1. To access the WEBSITE and use the information contained herein you must be of legal age (> 18 years). By accessing our website, you warrant to be of age. Otherwise, leave this website immediately.

    2. The use of any information from this WEBSITE constitutes full compliance with the terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of use, please leave the website.

    3. You acknowledge being of legal age, being aware of the nature of the content of this WEBSITE and not being offended. At the same time, you acknowledge that you have accessed this website totally voluntarily and knowingly.

    4. The information contained on this WEBSITE is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease or condition and is for informational purposes only. Under no circumstances shall it replace or substitute the advice of a medical professional. The results are based on the experience of our customers and specialized doctors that appear on the WEBSITE.

    5. This WEBSITE reserves the right to alter, modify or delete any content or material from its website at any time and without notice.

    6. The information contained on this WEBSITE is exclusively for domestic and personal use.

    7. The descriptions, images and texts contained on this WEBSITE must be understood in any case only as a guide, which gives a general approximation to the efficiency of products considering that these may vary from one person to another.

    8. In the event that the product delivered is defective, unwrapped or damaged, it will be replaced with no additional cost as long as it has been acquired through this WEBSITE. In the event that the product is acquired on a website other than the official or any other means, we will not be responsible for the quality of the order.

    9. In no case will we process your order until you have completed the purchase process (in any of its variants) and payment is recognized as completed.


    From this WEBSITE we guarantee maximum purchasing security. The payment methods we offer are completely safe and confidential. Your credit card information or information from other payment methods is fully secured thanks to our protection programs.

    We guarantee that your data will never be spread or used without your express consent. We use maximum security platforms to preserve your personal data and other private and confidential information, so no one can access our databases and steal the above mentioned information. Your credit card will be totally safe thanks to our protection programs. Your e-mail, address and contact details will never be revealed in accordance with current legislation (Data Protection Act 1988).

    Payment of orders placed on the WEBSITE is carried out in the currency of each country.

    3.1 ORDERS

    1. The WEBSITE reserves the right to accept or refuse any order without apparent motive, committing itself to inform the client if such a situation arise.

    2. You are responsible for providing accurate information so we can send you the product with all the guarantees. In the event that an order cannot be sent because of the lack or incorrect shipping information provided, the client shall be solely responsible.

    3. The WEBSITE is not responsible for purchase orders that do not arrive correctly or are impossible to process.

    4. All products purchased from this WEBSITE are for personal and non-transferable use. These will not be resold or provided to third parties.

    5. In no case will we process your order until you have completed the purchase process (in any of its variants) and payment is recognized as completed.

    3.2 SHIPPING

    Orders will be sent to the address you have requested. At your choice, the order will be sent to:

    • Your home address
    • Your corresponding post office
    • Convenience point

    It is the client’s responsibility to accurately provide us all the data necessary for the proper delivery of the package. Package transit or delivery time depends on the shipment type and final destination (you can check shipping and delivery estimates). If you do not receive your order during this period or you are not informed of the new deadline, you may request cancellation of the order.

    Orders for our products are shipped the same day of the purchase or the next day, (weekends and holidays excluded). If you do not receive the order because you have not gone to pick it up, and should proceed to a new shipment, shipping costs will be paid by the client.

    The shipping and delivery times are approximate and in no case shall be guaranteed. The WEBSITE shall not be responsible for any delays caused by the shipping company or other causes beyond its management and control.

    The ability to send and deliver the product to the customer will depend on the availability of the product. In the case of lack of stock, impossibility to manage orders or other causes, the WEBSITE will inform you and give you the option to wait for or cancel the order, refunding the payment if necessary.

    In the event that a delivery requires a signature or alike to confirm receipt of the shipment, it shall be your responsibility to have someone to receive your product at the address provided in the order form. At the same time, it shall also be your responsibility to collect the products from the corresponding transport agency if there is nobody present at the delivery address. In the event that the package is returned, you will be re-charged transportation costs.

    3.2.1. Discrete Shipping

    In this WEBSITE we are fully aware that when making a purchase through the web, you rely on our discretion. This is why we take all possible precautions to ensure your privacy.

    All our orders are sent in a totally discreet manner so that it is impossible to identify the content of our packages. There is no sign related to the product on the outside of the packages that may indicate what's inside.


    NATURAL LOGISTICS ensures that it complies at all times with applicable rules of guarantees, noting everything included in Law 1/2007 of 16 November, the Revised Text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users, the Civil Code and any rule applicable to the case.

    If at the time of receiving the order it is defective, you can request replacement or refund in the terms and conditions set forth in the legislation of guarantees of consumer goods and other regulations applicable in your case.

    This warranty does not cover damage caused by natural causes, misuse, negligence, accident or modification of any part of the product. Nor does it cover damage resulting from improper maintenance operations, connections to inadequate voltages, or repairs done by anyone outside NATURAL LOGISTICS. When returning the product for breakage reasons or manufacturing defect, the total amount of the product will be refunded, including shipping costs.

    In this WEBSITE we trust the effectiveness of our devices (if the WEBSITE contains them), and so we offer a 24 month guarantee after the purchase, covering manufacturing defects or substandard materials. If it is determined that the product is defective, it would be fixed or replaced with a new one without charging any cost for it. After expiry of the warranty period, the user must pay arrangements and possible parts that need to be repaired or replaced.


    In this WEBSITE we believe that all quality products must always present a series of guarantees that provide security to our customers and serve as a response in case there is any doubt or disagreement with the product, as with the payment, etc. and are met at all times.

    That's why we rigorously fulfill this maxim, offering all kinds of guarantees, plus abundant and detailed information on all the points that we consider essential, to reduce the number of possible doubts to be clarified.

    On this WEBSITE we trust the effectiveness of our products, so we offer the chance to try them for 2 months, committing to return all of the expenditure* if not satisfied with the results obtained by a purchase equal to or longer than two months of treatment.

    *You will be refunded the amount paid for the product (excluding shipping costs which will be borne by the customer).

    The test without commitment applies for food supplements and cosmetic products (excluding perfumes) equal to or greater than 2 months treatment. You should exercise the right to a refund during the first 10 days after passing the 60-day trial.


    If any product of your order does not correspond to your expectations, you may exercise your right of withdrawal within 14 days since you or an authorized third party receive the package.

    Since June 2014, the European Union has set new purchase guarantee parameters by which we are governed. Under these conditions of return you are entitled to recant your purchase of any product of this WEBSITE within 14 days. This period will end 14 days after the date of receipt of the products. However, if the period ends on a non-working day, the deadline is extended to the next working day.

    We will confirm receipt of your withdrawal request and we will refund the amount paid by Paypal, check or bank transfer within 14 calendar days from receipt of your request as long as the return of the product has previously been carried out.

    The exercise of the right of withdrawal involves the refund of the returned product price and original shipping cost. The client shall bear the direct cost of returning the products.

    For health or hygiene reasons, and based on the applicable regulations, you shall not be able to return products which are unsealed after delivery.

    5. RETURNS

    Return methods depend on the type of return you want to carry out. According to each case you will have to proceed as follows. (For more information see also previous paragraphs)


    To exercise the return of a trial product, follow these steps:

    1. Request the return form within 10 days after the two-months trial.

    2. Once approved, you must print and fill out the form and send it to: NATURAL LOGISTICS, Calle Ana Mariscal 5, Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223 SPAIN.

    3. You must send all products and once they are received and checked that everything is correct, we will proceed to refunding your money.

    4. The test without commitment applies for food supplements and cosmetic products (excluding perfumes) equal to or greater than 2 months treatment. You should exercise the right to a refund during the first 10 days after passing the 60-day trial.

    Refunding terms will only be effective if:

    • You have tried the product (not applicable to devices) for at least 2 months of treatment (and having bought a treatment for 2 months or longer) and are not satisfied with the results.
    • You send (with the return form) all the products you have bought (full or empty) to the following address: NATURAL LOGISTICS, Calle Ana Mariscal 5, Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223 SPAIN

    Additionally, you must:

    • Print the “Money refund” form and include it in the package you send us.
    • Include your IBAN number and SWIFT code (in the case you have not paid by credit card). The transfer is international and without this data we won’t be able to carry it out. If you have any doubts please check with your bank. Forms which are missing this information will be discarded automatically and the money refund will be cancelled.

    * You will be refunded 100% of the amount paid for the product (excluding shipping costs, which shall be borne by the client).


    To exercise the return of product by right of withdrawal, follow these steps:

    1. Request the return form within 14 days after receiving the package

    2. Once approved, you must print and fill out the form and send it to: NATURAL LOGISTICS, Calle Ana Mariscal 5, Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223 SPAIN

    3. You must send all products and once they are received and checked that everything is correct, we will proceed to refunding your money.

    Refunding terms will only be effective if:

    • Any of the products ordered does not correspond to your expectations. You may exercise your right of withdrawal within 14 days since you receive your package.
    • You send (with the return form) all the products you have bought (full without being manipulated or empty) to the following address: NATURAL LOGISTICS, Calle Ana Mariscal 5, Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223 SPAIN

    Additionally, you must:

    • Print the “Money refund” form and include it in the package you send us.
    • Include your IBAN number and SWIFT code (in the case you have not paid by credit card). The transfer is international and without this data we won’t be able to carry it out. If you have any doubts please check with your bank. Forms which are missing this information will be discarded automatically and the money refund will be cancelled.

    You will be refunded 100% of the amount paid for the product (excluding shipping costs, which shall be borne by the client).


    This warranty does not cover damage caused by natural reasons, misuse, negligence, accident or modification of any part of the product. To exercise the return warranty you must follow these steps:

    1. Attach proof of purchase
    2. Contact us
    3. We shall determine the cause of the defect or failure
    4. If the cause of the malfunction were not any of the causes listed above, we shall proceed to the repair or replacement of the device
    5. If this is the case, the company will pay for all repair costs and shipping if necessary.

    The products offered comply with current Spanish legislation.

    The WEBSITE shall not be responsible for the lack of delivery of the order by force majeure, act of God, strikes whether the entity itself, sectoral or general or promoted by workers of postal services, transport and/or communications. The WEBSITE is not responsible for the aforementioned indirect damages, profit or opportunity facts.

    The WEBSITE reminds you that under the provisions of the Civil Code, unemancipated minors have no capacity to contract. Orders for minors should be performed by those exercising parental authority or guardianship. In the event of accidental seeking of data of a minor, parents or guardians may oppose conservation and treatment.

    Hypertext links can forward you to other websites. The WEBSITE declines all responsibility if the content thereof contravenes the laws and regulations in force.


    This WEBSITE reserves the right to adapt or modify at any time these general conditions of sale. The new general conditions of sale will be accessible by the client through the web and will be applied only to sales after the change.


    The provision of this WEBSITE and these conditions of use are governed by Spanish law. Any dispute attaching to the services provided through this website shall be resolved through consumer arbitration courts, mediators or similar to those which NATURAL LOGISTICS is adhered at the time of the occurrence of the dispute, as well as the relevant courts in accordance with Spanish law.


    In accordance with Spanish Law 15/1999, of 13 December on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter referred to asLOPD) and by completing this form, you consent to the processing of your personal data, which shall be included in the Potential Customers file, owned by the WEBSITE, registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, whose purpose is to manage the data of potential customers of the company.

    Please be informed that your personal data will be communicated to the group companies.

    This WEBSITE shall be responsible for protecting the transferred data during the transfer in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD. The purpose of this communication is to have the data from our customers in all our offices to optimize its management.

    Please also be informed that your data will only be used for promotional purposes. By providing your data, you expressly agree to such use, as well as agree to receive telephone calls whose purpose will be the completion of the term of purchase.

    If you disagree with this measure please send an e-mail to the e-mail address: en@500cosmetics.com

    We also inform you that you may exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition established in the Law by post, at the following address: Calle Ana Mariscal 5, Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223 SPAIN, or by e-mail to the e-mail address: en@500cosmetics.com



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